Mard - मर्द
1. नर; पुरुष 2. पति। [वि.] वीर तथा साहसी।
1. Man; Male 2. Husband [V] Hero, Courageous and Strong
1. नर; पुरुष 2. पति। [वि.] वीर तथा साहसी।
1. Man; Male 2. Husband [V] Hero, Courageous and Strong
patriarchal society perpetuates itself by distorting the identity of the
oppressed. By enforcing inherited ideas
of limits and roles, it takes away the power from people to question their actions
and responsibilities. In India, this oppression is clearly evident, not just
women but generations of men who exist without a self-created understanding of
what it means to be a man.
an attempt to understand how the male identity is formed in a highly regressive
society, I photograph my male friends in India. By asking them to present
themselves half naked I hope to strip them of a certain male ego, questioning
their place in a society built on illusions of power.
The project is in progress